Registration and Forms for WyoCamp ’24 One form for each Camper and Adult please. WyoCamp ’24 Registration First Name * Last Name * Age * Gender * Address * Phone * City, State, Zipcode * Email * In case of emergency, please provide an alternate name and phone number * Please list any allergies we need to be aware of: * Cabin Bunks Cabins are equipped with bunks for sleeping. Do you give permission for your child to sleep on the top bunk (kids sometimes fall off the top bunk)? I give permission for my child to sleep on top bunk. Yes No Agreement I have read, and agree to abide by, all the camp rules, regulations, and instructions of the director, and realize that I will be subject to disciplinary action if I do not follow the camp rules, regulations or instructions of the director. Signature of camper * I agree to the above agreement. I do not agree to the above agreement Medical Liability Release Form I will not hold WyoCamp ’24, the director of WyoCamp ’24, or the WyoCamp ’24 staff responsible for any hospital or doctor fees that may be incurred by my child, named on this form, because of participation in or at WyoCamp ’24, June 16 – 20, 2024, because of sickness or accident. Accidents can happen and we are in a remote area. WyoCamp ‘24 does our best to mitigate the dangers. I understand that there this a possibility of accident and will not hold the director or staff accountable. Name of Parent * Cell Phone of Parent * Date * Signature of Parent * I agree to the terms of the Medical Liability Release form. I do not agree to the terms of the Medical Liability Release form Medical Consent Form I give WyoCamp ’24 complete authority to make any emergency medical decisions, in case that I cannot be reached, regarding my child (list on this form) in case of an accident or sickness while attending WyoCamp ’24, June 16-20, 2024. Name of Parent * Date * Signature of Parent * I agree to the terms of the Medical Consent Form I do not agree to the terms of the Medical Consent Form Water Recreation Release Form I hereby state that my child can swim and give permission for my child to participate in Water Recreation at WyoCamp ’24. Name of Parent * Date * Signature of Parent My child can swim and has permission to participate in water recreation. My child does not have permission to participate in water recreation. Note Anyone who fails to complete any part of the WyoCamp ’24 registration forms, liability releases, or medical consent forms will not be allowed to participate in WyoCamp ’24. Remember to return the registrations and releases by June 16, 2024. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit